5 Ways You Can Make Money Online

And the skills you need to achieve them

Markie Young
3 min readAug 18, 2020
If you just had to click a button to make money online — oh wait, you can

Just to be clear, these are not passive streams of income. Every single one of these methods require hard work and time. If you keep it up and become a master of your craft, the results are worth it for sure.

1. YouTube Channel // $100/month = ~50k views/month

While the $100 per month is solely based on adsense, you can use your channel to make money through products, affiliate links, courses, merch, onlyfans, and more.

It’s not that hard to make a steady $100 a month from YouTube. In fact, I’m sure you can hit monetization in 6–9 months if you do everything right.

I started a brand new channel 3 months ago and should hit 1,000 subs in 6 months.

If you want to grow a channel really quick, here are the things you should focus on from most important to least:

  1. High quality content — High view duration is a must to grow quickly!
  2. Thumbnail — It’s got to grab attention, try to hit a 10% CTR consistently
  3. Title — Learn how to write riveting headlines
  4. Description — This can help you rank in seo and provide more information

Check out this article if you’re interested in growing your channel quickly.

2. Dropshipping

This money making method is super simple. Buy something cheap, resell it expensive. In addition, you never touch the product. It’s kind of an all around win.

Dropshipping — move (goods) from the manufacturer directly to the retailer without going through the usual distribution channels.

Because of all its benefits however, hundreds of thousands of people have gotten into the business, making it super difficult to earn good money easily.

The main difficulty I had with dropshipping was learning all the skills I needed to be successful. So far, my top store has made $600 in sales (in one week). It’s not bad but I haven’t made a profit yet.

Here are the skills you’re gonna need for dropshipping:

  1. Product Research
  2. Creating a Shopify Website
  3. Writing Converting Product Copy
  4. Creating an Ad

If you’re a beginner in this industry, read this article to avoid all the mistakes beginning dropshippers make!

3. Writing Online

I’ve been writing on medium for about 14 days. In that short but enjoyable span of time, I’ve made exactly 23 cents.

Since I’m such a new writer, I can’t exactly share with you what you can do to grow on this platform (if you have any tips, feel free to let me know) but there are some ideas I’ll be trying out.

  1. Be as authentic as possible
  2. Write about things that are trending on the platform
  3. Be consistent

My goal is to hit 90 articles in 90 days. While this is primarily monetarily motivated, I’m also doing this so I can quickly grow my writing skills. I’m not sure but I have a sneaking suspicion that my stories read like unflavored yogurt — bland.

4. Fiverr

Fiverr is a place where you can buy and sell your services for dirt cheap. While the site is super intuitive, it’s quite hard to actually get clients.

I’ve only had one client so far and that was seven months ago. I’ve put up several more gigs but no luck so far.

5. RedBubble

This is something that my girlfriend has done. Being more creatively-oriented than me, she designed some catchy mantras and cute graphics to put on stickers.

When people buy stickers with her design, she makes a small sum of money. Depending on how serious you are about doing this, you can actually market your designs or just let them sit.

So far, she’s made $2 from redbubble and I’m super proud of her.

Real Quick,

If you enjoyed this article (and if it gave you some ideas), consider following me for more daily articles. I’m less than a week into my 90 day article challenge!

